The Sugar Cane Crushing Capacity in all the four units of Bannari Amman Sugars Limited, is now 20100 Tonnes of Cane Crush per Day, from the initial capacity of 1250 TCD of its first Sugar Unit.
The Total Cane Crushed in the Financial Year 2014 - 15 in all the four sugar units is 24.17 Lakh Tonnes.
Sugar Unit-I: The first Sugar Unit near Sathyamangalam of Erode District, Tamil Nadu State, started its commercial production in the year 1986 with an initial capacity of 1250 Tonnes of Cane Crush per day and expanded to 2500 Tonnes in 1998. The crushing capacity is now expanded to 4000 TCD. The unit has many credits and firsts in the sugar industry of the country.
An EN/ISO 9002 unit accredited by RWTUV of Germany in 1997 for its good system of quality management ensuring a better product. This has been upgraded to DIN EN ISO 9001:2008 accredited by TUV NORD for Manufacture and Supply of White Crystal Sugar & Refined Sugar and is valid up to 20.7.2016.
The Sugar Unit -I has an imported facility to produce 300MT Refined Sugar per day with ICUMSA less than 20 IU and the same is mainly marketed to Pharmaceutical and Food Industries in India and exported to all countries.
For manufacture and supply of Refined Sugar TUV NORD of GERMANY in 2007 accredited HACCP Certificate for its management systems as per Codex Aliemtarius Commission (Recommended International Codex of Practice - General Principles of Food Hygiene CAC/ RCP 1- 1969, rev.4 (2003) and is valid upto 17.03.2018.
Halal Committee - JUM awarded HALAL Certification for the products White Cane Sugar and Refined Sugar and is valid upto 06.12.2016.
Bannari's ONE-UP Refined Sugar in 1 Kg. Consumer packs is available in the market.
Bannari Amman Sugars Ltd produces Bio Products for Soil fertility, high yield and toxic free farming. High quality Fertilisers and Pesticides for healthy crop and for better pest management are offered at low prices.
Sugar Unit-II: The Second Unit of Bannari Amman Sugars Limited, near Nanjangud in Mysore District of Karnataka State, started the commercial production in the year 1992 with an initial cane crushing capacity of 2500 Tonnes per day and expansion to a capacity of 5000 Tonnes in Year 2000. Another expansion to 7500 Tonnes Cane Crush per Day was completed in July 2006. A Sugar Refinery Plant with a capacity of 500 MT per day has been installed.
The Distillery at our Sugar Unit-2, to produce 60,000 litres of Industrial Alcohol per day, has commenced its production from March 2005. An incineration plant to burn spent wash with 2 MW power generations is in operation in the Distillery. Alcohol produced in this distillery in the year 2014-15 is 154.89 Lakh Litres. Halal Committee - JUM awarded HALAL Certification for the product White Cane Sugar and it is valid upto 07.12.2016.
The Unit is in the certification process for an
Integrated Management System as under :
- ISO-9001:2008 - Quality Management System(QMS),
- ISO-14001:2004 - Environment Management System(EMS),
- OHSAS-18001:2007 - Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series(OHSAS) and
- ISO/TS-22002-1:2009 - Food Safety System Certification(FSSC)
Sugar Unit-III: The Cane crushing capacity of the Unit has been enhanced now to 3600 TCD from 2500 TCD and a new Co-Generation Plant With a Power Generatoin capacity of 20 MW.This new facility has been inaugurated in the month of August'14.
Sugar Unit-IV: It is a new Integrated Sugar Complex comprising of 5000 TCD Sugar Plant, 28 MW Co-generation Plant, Distillery Ethanol Plant and a Bio Composting Unit at Kolundampattu Village, Thandarampattu Taluk, Tiruvannamalai District.
The Sugar Unit has started its maiden Cane Crush from 27-01-2010. |
The new 28.8 MW Co-generation power plant has started exporting power to Tamilnadu State Electricity Grid. |
A 500 Tonnes/Day Refined Sugar production facility
has been implemented in this unit. |
Sugar Unit-V: The Madras Sugars Limited is Acquired by the way of Amalgamation with effect from 01-01-2016. It is a new Integrated Sugar Complex comprising of 3600 TCD Sugar and 25 MW Co-generation Plants.
The new 25 MW Co-generation power plant has been synchronized with Tamilnadu Electricity Board Grid .
A 100% Export Oriented Unit, established in the year 1991 for manufacture of Polished Granite Slabs, Tiles and Monuments. One of the most modern and well planned granite plants in India, having a reputed clientele base all over the world including USA, Germany, Belgium, Italy, Australia, Middle East and the Far East. The Division has its own captive granite quarries in some of the well-known Indian materials, which ensure timely delivery of the finished goods. Also exports Rough Granite Blocks.
The Division has produced 2.49 Lakh Sq.Mtrs of Polished Slabs and Tiles in the year 2014-15.
Click here for more details
Distillery Division
The Distillery Division at Bhavani, Erode District, Tamilnadu produces over 60,000 litres of Industrial Alcohol and Extra Neutral Spirit per day from sugarcane molasses. Alcohol produced in this distillery in the year 2014-15 is 137.71 Lakh Litres. The distillery has set up a bio-gas plant with the help of technical know-how from France, to provide an alternate source of energy.
The technical know-how from France meets the strict pollution control measures to protect environment and also need to find sustainable alternative source of energy with a bio-methanisation plant.
This reflects the company's growing concern for the environment and the need to find suitable alternatives. Click here for more details
Bio-Compost Fertilizer Unit |
Let us add value to the soil. Bio-compost plays a key role in maintaining soil fertility. It possesses many desirable properties and exerts beneficial efforts on the physical, chemical and biological characteristics of the soil. In addition, it improves the efficient usage of chemical fertilizers. Bio-compost being used in Kenya, Philippines and America has consistently increased crop yield, while reducing the usage of chemical fertilizers.
BIO COMPOST is prepared in Sugar Unit I and II of Bannari Amman Sugars Limited, by mixing the nutrient rich Pressmud from sugar mills with Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium rich Spent wash obtained from Distilleries. In this process, decomposing beneficial bacteria and aero booster are engaged for proper and better decomposition of the above mixture. |
Co-Generation |
The Co-Generation Plant for generating 20 MW power at the Sugar Unit-I exports the surplus power to the Tamilnadu State Electricity Board. The Plant has generated 315.22 lakh Units of power in the year 2014-15.
The Two Co-Generation Plants at the Sugar Unit II with Turbo Alternators of capacities 16 and 20 MW, export the surplus power to the Karnataka State Electricity Board's Grid. These two plants have generated 1520.86 Lakh Units of power in the year 2014-15.
The Co-Generation Plant of 20 MW capacity at our sugar Unit-III has generated 655.21 Lakh Units in the financcial year 2014-15
The Co-Generation Plant of 28.8 MW capacity at our Sugar Unit-IV has generated 553.14 Lakh Units in the year 2014-15.
The Co-Generation Plant of 25 MW capacity at our Sugar Unit-V has generated 775.92 Lakh Units in the year 2014-15.
The six Co-Generation Plants have generated 3820.35 Lakh Units of power and exported 21136.14 Lakh Units in the year 2014-15.
Wind Mill |
The Alternate non-conventional renewable source of energy is the ultimate answer for the future. Seven nos. of 1250 KW WTG from Suzlon have been installed in Karunkulam, Radhapuram, Irukkandurai villages in Tirunelvelii Districts of Tamilnadu. The power generated from the wind energy generators is fed to the Tamilnadu State Electricity Board's Grid and adjusted in the power consumption of various industries, established by the group. These Wind Turbines have generated 116.65 Lakh Units in the year 2014-15.
The Company's Bio Diesel Plant at Sathyamangalam, Tamilnadu, has commenced production of 3000 litres of Bio Diesel per Day,from multi feed stock viz Jatropha, Pungan seeds etc.
The company is now promoting aforestation by providing Pungam seedlings to needy farmers, Panchayats and Schools etc for greening their wastelands and provides an assured income to them by harvesting Pungam seeds under buy back arrangement.
This program will in-turn improve forest cover by utilizing wastelands and rural employment besides ensuring energy security.
Sugar Unit I |
Sugar Unit II |
Sugar Unit III |
Sugar Unit IV |
Sugar Unit V |
Co-Gen Unit I |
Co-Gen Unit II |
Co-Gen Unit III |
Co-Gen Unit IV |
Granite Division |
Distillery Division |
Bio-Compost Fertilizer Unit |
Wind Mill Division |

Bio Diesel |

Contact Info |
Corporate Office :
1212, Trichy Road,
Coimbatore 641 018, India.
Phone : 91-422-2302277 (10 Lines)
Fax : 91-422-2305599
E-mail : bascbe@bannari.com Map : To Reach Us |
Chennai Office:
29, Dr. Radhakrishnan Salai Mylapore, Chennai 600004 Ph: (91)-44-28474300 Fax: (91)-422-28477474 Email:basche@bannari.com Map : To Reach Us
Bangalore Office: Bangalore Office: Flat No 202 II Floor No 5 Silverskies 7th Cross 9th Main Road RMV Extension Sadashiva Nagar Bangalore 560 080 Ph: : 080 23600230, 23600250 E-Mail : basbgl@vsnl.net Map : To Reach Us |
New Delhi Office: D-501 Gauri Sadan No 5 Hailey Road New Delhi 110001 Ph: (91)-11-23761122 Fax: (91)-11-23761100 Email: saikumar@bannari.co.in Map : To Reach Us
Factory / Branch : |
Sugar Unit-I:
Sathyamangalam - 638 401.
Erode District, Tamil Nadu.
Phone : (91)-4295-250200
Fax : (91)-4295-220416
E-mail : bassathy@bannari.com
Map :To Reach Us |
Sugar Unit II:
Alaganchi - 571119, Nanjangud,
Mysore District, Karnataka
Ph: (91)-8221-228855,235045
Mobile : 09740777733
Fax : (91)-8221-235014
E-mail : basngd@bannari.com
Map : To Reach Us
Sugar Unit III:
Kunthur , Kollegal 571440 Chamrajnagar District
Phone: (91)-8224- 261277
Fax: (91)-8224 -261333
E-mail : baskgl@bannari.com
Map : To Reach Us
Sugar Unit IV:
Thandarampattu Tk – 606 706
Tiruvannamalai District, Tamilnadu
Phone: (91)-4188- 248571,72,73
Mobile : 8754033800
Fax - (91)-4188 -248200
E-mail : bastvml@bannari.com
Map : To Reach Us |
Sugar Unit V:
Vengur Village
Tirukoilur Tk - 605 751
Kallakurichi District, Tamilnadu
Phone: (91)-4153-236220, 223, 230, 232, 239
Mobile : 8754018700
E-mail : bastklr@bannari.com
Map : To Reach Us |
Granite Division:
100 % EOU: Alathukombai village,
Sathyamangalam - 638 401,
Erode District, Tamil Nadu.
Phone : (91)-4295-250200
Fax : (91)-4295-222909
E-mail : gpd@bannari.com
Map :To Reach Us |
Distillery Division :
Chinnapuliyur, Periyapuliyur- 638455, Bhavani Taluk, Erode District, Tamilnadu
Phone : (91)-4256-236688
Mobile : 98422 99551,99552
Fax : (91)-4256-236690
E-mail : distilleryspl@bannari.com Map : To Reach Us
Bio-Compost Unit :
Modur, Arakkankottai 638506 Gobichettipalayam TK Erode District, Tamilnadu
Phone : (91) - 4285-252510,252110
Mobile : 9842213400
E-mail :basbcu1@gmail.com
Map : To Reach Us
Bio Diesel Plant :
Sathyamangalam - 638 401.
Erode District, Tamilnadu.
Phone : (91)-4295-250200
Fax : (91)-4295-220695
E-mail : bassathy@bannari.com Map :To Reach Us |